How Reflexology Can Heal your Entire Body

How Reflexology Can Heal your Entire Body

How Reflexology Can Heal your Entire Body

Not feeling quite right, like the stress of your life is throwing you off kilter somehow? Feeling sluggish or tired? You should try reflexology. Reflexology is a treatment involving the application of pressure to specific parts of the body, predominantly the feet, which produce a physical effect elsewhere in the body. Spiritually speaking, reflexology can break through a blockage of the body’s energy, enabling someone who’s blocked energy was preventing healing to be allowed to heal naturally again.
Other benefits of reflexology include:
• Enhanced relaxation and stress reduction
• Better circulation
• Assistance in normalizing metabolism
Reflexology has been in practice in China, Egypt, and India for thousands of years, but was first introduced to the western world a hundred years ago. It has gradually increased in popularity as a treatment for stress and pain relief ever since.
At May Blossom Spa, in order to maximize the relaxation and circulatory stimulation of a reflexology session, an herbal footbath is included as part of the package. If you’d like to try reflexology for yourself, contact your local May Blossom Spa to set up an appointment.